Lara Darwazah

Lara Darwazah

Voice Over Artist

Podcast Troubadour Woman

Wadi Rum: The Valley of the Moon

Writer/Teacher Kristin Schaefer Centofanti visited Jordan and travelled to Wadi Rum a few years ago only to be inspired by the magic of Rum- straight afterwards she wrote the book Wadi Rum- The Valley of the Moon. The book is a tale of Magic, Adventure and Love. 

I had the pleasure of reading and recording the audio book and it will be published soon on Amazon soon.

Shatila Stories 

It was pure pleasure for me to record the audio book for Shatlia Stories. This is a love story between two young people and is a fascinating insight into life in one of the world's most densely populated  refugee camps. For this brave and unique project pierene press commissioned nine refugees from Shatila Camp to tell their stories, and the result is a piece of collaborative fiction like non other. 

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